Obstacle.co entertained me

I find myself saying this way too often, “I’ll be honest…” but really, I Google-ed “what to blog about” and it lead me to “7 Blog Niches That Get Good Traffic and Make Good Money”. No surprise here, there are tons of articles on blogging niches, getting traffic, making money online, etc. To my greatest surprise, I was not expecting this, “Why Blogging Is Perfect for Stupid People”, which bewildered me.
“You probably clicked to read this post due to the insane title and because you believe that you aren’t stupid.” Self-justifying here, I don’t think I’m stupid, though I might be; clicking on the link was more of, “so what kind of clickbait do you have for me.”
“Blogging Unstupids You if You’re Paying Attention” and if you don’t… “ELI5 = Explain Like I’m 5.”
I find myself entertained and a little confused. Why? I feel like I’m not getting it. I guess I’m stupid, maybe you can read it and tell me what you think? Click here. (No affiliate links involved, I did not join the “Blogging Bootcamp” or “The Billionaire Blog Club” in case you’re wondering.)
I still don’t know what to blog about, oh wait, I just did.