Starting my journey with Pisces Wellness

My weight issue started from a young. I was chubby, but I got slimmer with determination and a lot of exercises. I would bounce back and forth, but it never got out of hand.
Unfortunately, before I turned 30, due to a medical matter, I couldn’t do vigorous exercise for about three years, which caused my weight issue to go downhill (or rather, up), and it never went down after.
From just being “chubby”, I became overweight.
In all honesty, it didn’t bother me that much, unlike when I was younger, when my looks mattered. I don’t mind being overweight. It didn’t hinder me that much. I wasn’t depressed or felt any lesser. For one, my self-esteem and confidence didn’t come from how I looked. That said, my hubby was constantly nagging me that I needed to manage it because it was unhealthy.
After much persuasion, I decided I should do something about it. But after years of not exercising much, it takes a lot of work to regain momentum. It took more work to keep motivated.
I tried a couple of times but eventually gave up. While my hubby nagged me to lose weight, he wasn’t great at motivating me. Overfeeding me was the least of the lack of motivation.
My weight stopped increasing because I started cardio after buying my treadmill. However, it didn’t go down either.
I consider it a birthday gift because if all goes well, it will be one of the best birthday gifts anyone has ever given me. My girlfriend and business partner got me signed up for a slimming programme, “Trim and Slim” or “Instant Slim”, with Pisces Wellness.

What is this programme?
It’s a powerful weight reduction programme that utilises TCM cupping and needleless acupuncture for weight loss and to promote healthy eating habits. It helps to activate the self-healing power that the body has and eventually leads to a beautiful and healthy state of body and mind.

(In my next posts, I’ll be going into details on TCM cupping, what the colours mean, etc., so sign up or subscribe to this space for the latest updates!)
The programme is said to target stubborn fat in more elaboration; it helps to:
- Flatten the tummy
- Trim waistline
- Reduce fat, inches loss, and weight lost
- Reduce visceral fat
- Smooth out bulges
- Increase the body’s metabolism
- Remove metabolic waste
- Giving you a curvy, toned and slim figure!
Key benefits include:
- Non-invasive
- Non-surgical
- Rapid whole-body treatment
- 100 percent result guaranteed
- Long-lasting
- Effective and safe, effortless and pain-free
- Reduces visceral fat
Just the first treatment, I lost one kilogram. During the subsequent treatment, I lost another, and the third about half a kilogram. I have to say; it was effective. However, there’s no miracle pill. You’d still have to exercise and diet. My personal experience justifies that statement.

Coupled with the treatment and regular cardio workouts, the initial sessions helped me lose weight. On the treadmill, I started sweating much faster than usual. I could feel the burn even after.
Sadly, my weight started to bounce back a bit. I don’t blame the treatment because I had to skip treatments and wasn’t doing my regular cardio. I came down with a bad cough that prevented me from keeping up with my routine. Given the same diet, without exercise, it’s no doubt the weight stopped decreasing. This was also why I initially hesitated with this blog post but decided to be honest and tell it as it is.
Everyone’s body build would vary. Some lose weight faster, and others require more work. I am the latter.
My journey isn’t over, and all is not lost, so I’m adjusting my approach a little. Diet a little more to make up for the lack of exercise that I’d probably not be able to commit to for at least another week, given my still ongoing cough.
However, I believe this will work because I can feel the difference. If I continue the routine I started, the weight will continue to drop. Nothing beats evidence, so do continue following my social and blog to discover if my confidence has become a reality.
Regardless, try it for yourself. Pisces Wellness offers a first-time trial at just SGD 38 (SGD 40.66 with GST).

Location: 360 Orchard Rd, #03-23 International Building, Singapore 238869
Contact: +65 6776 0123
Instagram: @pisceswellness
The best part of this programme is that it’s fast and safe – no pills or surgery. They say it doesn’t require exercise and extensive dieting, but I beg to differ. It is the case for my girlfriend, but not for me. Again, as I mentioned, everyone’s body type is different. I’m sure I have things harder when it comes to weight loss, always have been.
