Taking a tour around the world with Miss Europe 2016 Lia Kees

And so I was randomly surfing my Instagram account on the top charts section and I found this really cool image:
I was immediately fascinated and I started to look up for more posts from this Instagrammer. Turns out she is not just your usual social media influencer, but also Miss Europe 2016 too.
Went on to research more about Lia Kees and managed to dig out she was born in Kyrgyzstan. Here’s a fun fact: did you know that that’s virtually nothing about this country on the world wide web? Try googling it, or looking it up on Google maps. It’s really mind-boggling!
She started her career as a professional model in 2009, based in Prague, Czech Republic and she was featured in multiple fashion platforms! Here are a couple of pictures that I find pretty cool:
For more pictures of Lia Kees, check out her Instagram account over at https://www.instagram.com/liakees/