Motion in Flight, VR experience – Urban Revivo

First and foremost, I regret to inform me, I didn’t get the invite for the actual workshop!!! But I did however, visit the virtual reality (VR) experience at Raffles City nonetheless, thanks to Garry that is. Looking at the photos on their Facebook Page, I felt a little upset that I didn’t get to “hands-on” creating paper craft. I believe, my craft work would have been awesome and possibly featured #justsaying #justkidding.
I haven’t seen Garry in a while, the last I remember he was still at Cohn & Wolfe, now he’s with a new firm. I’m really glad he remembered us (SAUCEink) and sent over the invite. The best part of it all, this showcase involved two of my most favourite things 1. Fashion and 2. VR. Now, tell if this isn’t just perfect.
Self conscious as always, I threw Edmund (I’m proud to say my hubby is also my COO) to test out the VR, while I went to check out Urban Revivo’s Raffles City outlet, just above the Motion in Flight VR showcase, and I loved it.
I spend most of my time shopping online, so it’s been more than two years since I actually went to an actual physical store.